Emphasizing pure tea first, we insist on single-origin tea just like freshly brewed.

As a leading brand in fragrant tea, we specialize in perfecting every cup,returning to the essence of pure tea. With the right tea base, the tea tastes great, making life lighter. With each gathering, it becomes naturally familiar.
Breaking new ground in the industry, we incorporate patented collagen from a major Japanese manufacturer into hand-shaken drinks,enriching your daily life with each cup here in Taiwan.
How much do you know about fragrant tea?
The encounter of one layer of flower, one layer of tea.
The Essence of Tea and Flowers as the buds of the flowers slowly bloom, they intertwine with the tea leaves.Through the process of steam infusion, the tea leaves absorb the essence of the flowers, resulting in a delicate floral aroma. When people drink tea, they enjoy the extra element of ther apeutic floral aroma, in addition to the "Fragrant Tea Series"offered by Jasmine, and the "Turquoise" is also infused with gardenia flowers,providing a high cost-performance ratio and a unique hand-shaken drink. It's adelightful daily treat!
Looking for overseas master distributor partners.